Strategies should be considered for improving communication between all staff members to effectively demonstrate a thorough understanding of the particular needs of individuals and to consistently deliver highly effective person centred care. An improvement to care records and care documentation would better evidence the home`s good practise and how service user`s needs are being met.
What the care home could do better: The home`s information documents require a minor review and update to ensure people accessing the service have all the information they need prior to moving in and later for reference. Environmental shortfalls detailed in the last inspection report have all been addressed to ensure that service users live in a safe, well - maintained environment. A requirement issued at the last inspection to improve recruitment procedures in the home and make them more robust to better protect service users has been addressed and has been removed from this report. What has improved since the last inspection? Three staff files were sampled on this visit and evidenced all the necessary documentation to satisfy the demands of legislation and good practise.
And.Excellent activities organiser who knows residents well and always tries to meet their needs. Another respondent states.Excellent and varied programme of activities offered. A respondent says.The events organiser is wonderful and does much to make residents happy. There are also regular meetings to keep us updated and I know the food is good too! Surveys evidenced particularly high levels of praise in relation to the work of the home`s activity organiser. Staff appear welcoming and cheerful and there are no restrictions on visiting. Housekeeping is unobtrusive and efficient. A relative of a service user states.What I like is that there are qualified nurses on duty at all times. Staff have a good rapport with service user`s relatives and representatives.
Another social work professional records.General standard of care offered is good and multi disciplinary working is effective. A health professional surveyed states.Caring and professional in all respects. The home`s pre admission assessment procedures and good multi disciplinary working ensures that individual`s needs are appropriately identified and met. A survey respondent states.Staff are friendly, pleased to see you and the manager always helpful and cooperative. What the care home does well The home offers an attractive environment, welcoming and friendly atmosphere and the management and administration is good.